Reviewed By:
Jackie Igafo-Te'o
Review Date: May 28, 2005
Artist: Cathy Bollinger
Price: $15.98
Description: My Turn Your Turn, the seventh CD from award-winning
singer-songwriter, Cathy Bollinger sparkles with thoroughly singable songs
that gently address the needs of children who find social interaction
confusing or challenging. Using descriptive, social story-like phrases to
talk about concrete situations, My Turn Your Turn sings children through
the tricky territory of engaging with others. Songs touch on empathy,
asking for help, handling anger, and other daily social skills. With music
that makes lessons fun to learn, Bollinger, a trained music therapist,
breaks common everyday interactions down into simpler and more
understandable activities.
Review: Award-winning singer-songwriter, Cathy Bollinger does a
phenomenal job all around on her newest CD, My Turn Your Turn. The lyrics
span a variety of social and communication issues that are sure to fit
into your child's needs. Inspiring lyrics, in conjunction with great
voices, make this CD a must-have for anyone seeking a tool to help their
child learn appropriate social communication skills.
For More Information: For more information or to order, visit