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  Last Updated on 07/13/2018

Aggressive Treatment Helps Babies of Diabetics


Alicia Chang, Associated Press, June 12, 2005

Women who develop diabetes during pregnancy give birth to healthier babies if they are aggressively treated, concludes a large new study that helps bolster the case for testing all pregnant women for this condition.

The study, by Australian researchers, is the first to show that treatment can help avoid serious problems at birth.

Although complications are uncommon, they were four times lower among babies of mothers who were aggressively treated. No babies born to the 490 women getting more aggressive care died. There were three stillbirths and two other infant deaths among the 510 mothers who got regular care.

Results of the study will be published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Thursday and were presented Sunday at an American Diabetes Association meeting.

Gestational diabetes sometimes begins or is diagnosed in midpregnancy and disappears later. Women who get it have a greater chance of having diabetes in the future. It affects 3 percent to 7 percent of pregnant women in the United States, a number on the rise because of the growing obesity problem.

Women who tightly controlled their diabetes were less likely to deliver extremely large babies, those weighing more than 8 pounds.





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